As you can see we have started the welding on this beetle. The floors and heater channels on this car were still in good condition however we deceided to replace them anyway. As time goes on you can see how some car undersides last longer than others. This is mainly down to previous owners along the way not giving the cars the maintanance they need to protect them from rusting away. This why we emphasise to owners about bodysealing,washing and waxing,servicing frequently which can only be good for the vehicle and also maintains the value in the event of the owner ever selling the car on. Keep watching this space to see this beetles progress.

Here you can see the welding work is coming on nicely on this beetle The floor ,heater channel,sill ,pillar, front wheel arch are welded in on this side. Next will be the opposite side and then some work around the roof.

As you can se the other side floorpan,heater channel,ect have been welded in and now the front apron and spare wheel well panel is fitted.

As you can see all the welding is complete and the underside is sealed. Next you will see the bodywork as it progresses.
